Alhamdulillah, i have become somebody's fiance. and that somebody is of course my one and only man, who has been supporting me through good and bad times, Azzril Zolhaili.
Yupp, above that is my engagement ring. Dont get mistaken by the ring on the right hands. Those were my mom's. hehehehe. dia memang insisted me to wear her rings, coz according to her, bigger rocks will make me look more beautiful . hehehe..the one on the left side is my ring. i have always wanted a simple but sweet engagement ring. nanti for the wedding baru i mintak yg grand2 k, hun :p
So, the engagement went the whole night, ended with photography session. Well, my family memang terkenal dengan cam-whore attitude, pantang nampak camera. And i'm so glad that Aween was my photographer at that night, and he'll be my forever photographer jgk!err..aween, once popular, dont raise the price for us k?? :P
As promised, I dont want to crap so much. Im sure you guys been wanting to see the pics kan?
I bet some of you might think that this ceremony looks like nikah/bersanding. Well , if the planner is your own mom, this what happened.:) I'll let the pictures tell the story may click to view in larger view.
sang puteri . . . ha ha ha
his family
hey... it was beautiful to be engaged with someone like you always...
thank you honey.
love you too :)
Ilah..congrets :)
As usual, u look so gorgeous & beautiful..Comel sangat pic2 nih semua..memang cam majlis akad nikah dah ni..hihi :P
thank you yanie!
tu la mcm akad nikah kan :P
hey whens ur turn? kawin jgn lupa ajak tauu :)
nebbie sgt chantik!congratulations and happy bday, babe!
mmg grand gilew..!wohhoo..
pic ngan cuzzy2 kalo amek time wed mst lagi cun sbb all pkai grey kn..
thanks izzah :P
a'ah la nieja. too bad deh :(
but still cun la pic ni..dunt wory..nxtime kite amek pic gni lagi hehe..mayb on ur wed..
who did the make up? kakak from wakaf bharu tu ke? coz you look great! ;)
anonymous: thanks a lot :), yupp make up was done by her. i pon suka the way she transformed me :P nak mintak contact no?
so schweet of u. thanks dear. please ;)
opps, i forgot to tell u how gojes u r that day. and u looked sooo happy. i thot its ur wed day until i read ur post.
congrats yea! ;)
lola :
tq very much !i hardly cant believe it was my engagement day too. are u getting engaged or married soon?
ok here's the number. 09-7437729. others can copy as well if u are interested. :)
im far from engagement nor getting married yet ;). actually its quite difficult to find a gud ones in kota bharu. i personally think her make up is as gud as the ones in kl.
btw, if i may ask, how about the charges?
lola :
yeah agreed. are u in kota bharu now? i can't remember exactly about the cost, i'll try to ask my mom tomorrow. ;)
lola : can u give me ur email address so i can contact u about this? :)
nope, currently in kl. but am kelantanese too.
sure. i can be contacted at
many thanks! ;)
lola : sorry for long awaited reply, i just logged in today.thanks, will email you on the cost!
babe ur ring tu u beli mana?
anonymous:hey.which ring u were referring?? :P jgn tertukar
babee..the one u bought with ur lovely azzril..:)tell me ya!
anonymous :
owh :)babe, i bought in in diamond platinum at curve. interested ke?hehehe
Thanks ilah coz let me cover ur engagement and your photo makes me famous...
Also special thanks to Azzril the kind and nice gentlement...
well till we meet again..
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