Just had a lil chat with my mom on the progress..and i could say that pretty much we have done a good job! pity my mom that she got more to handle since i am in KL and she's in KB. anyways, a couple of things which i are still not tackled are : -
i) my one more hantaran..im thinking of buying chiffon non-washable. would u think it'd be nice?
ii) chocolates..still deciding which type of chocolates to give?
iii) card..i think a simple card should be enough..im not being too detailed or lebih2..its just that maybe they are needed for friends who are not familiar with KB? :P
iv)selendang..! where can i get a nice one? suggestion please! :)
hmm..i think thats all la kot..i hope i can get it done within the next couple of weeks :)
owh ya..here is some pictures taken on the day we went to bridal shop. me being the bridesmaid (chubby one!) and my lovely sister, was trying on a wedding gown (not really a gown..i pon tak tau nk panggil apa..traditional gown maybe..:P)