i may have promised some of you to share the pics of my first and foremost cutest creature, my one and only niece thus far, Qaseh Mia Irdeena bt Nazarudin, daugter of my elder sister, Et and her hubby, Naza.
She was born on 12th June 09, 11.02 A.M, 5 days after my birthday. boleh celebrate birthday sama2 :-)
ndek...i miss Qaseh already

above: qaseh with mummy
comeynyeeeeeeeeee....ni yg buat aku nak tambah lg nih...ahahaa
nabilah kasim, baru aku tau akak mung dah bersalin. hahaha.. oit ape cite, sonyap ja kamu.
yana: hihi comel kan yana.ikut muka aku tak? :p
reentoot: comel tak man? aku ada je ni..busy :(
rendunyo ko acehhhh..
kak ilah bukan 11.02am..
11.02pm la..
nieja: eh yo ko.muahaha saloh.
nati aku betul semula
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