It's a Charles and Keith store!!! O my god, i was like whatt?? i considered myself as an outdated person coz i bet most of girls know about this!
this is a good sign man. meaning i dont have to run to singapore just to buy those lovely pieces of shoes! yeay!!
sory lamo gilow x masuk blog k.ilah
bz nk mampoh!
nak on9 pon xdop maso..
k la nk bc blog k.ilah jp..
Charles and Keith store?? Good!! So I can put you there for hours while i go around pavillion :p hehehe looking something buy without your approval! hahaha
i also blk from KL..tak tau pon!!! huhu..nx tme nk pesan lah..can aa dear?
yup ilah, they also have another one in Sunway Pyramid too. So, we not only have one, but TWO of Charles & Keith shops now! ;D
Cool kan??
nieja:its okay k ilah pon busy last week training 5 days! how are u dear balik doh ko shah alam?
honey: hmmmmmmmmmmmm what do you intend to buy without my approval? still wondering. but if u leave me kt charles and keith for hours i wouldnt mind at all!
kak haneem : tu laa.. i was so surprised when i saw it! boleh website then let me know mana berkenan k!
lola: wow.really at sunway too??? thx for the info babe! jom kita start shopppppinggggggg! hehehhe
fine, but tersangat la busy.. yup almost 2 week kot blk sni..
Women and shoes.
Anyway anyway... comel² blako saing² mu ni; mari kenal ko aku sore duo.
ilahh moree updateeee boreddd
asrif : bereh nk hk mana weih...pilih222..mari aku adjust...
anonymous:sorry babe.! im super dupa busy! what do u want me to write?? he he he he
i like dat heels!!n i love 2 read ur blog too!!~
i love shoes!!~
ryn: hey thanks and appreciate it. i love shoes too!! u in dublin?
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