I guess all of you had a blessing Hari Raya! and a blessing holiday i guess. Well, i don't have much updates on Raya, it has always been a wonderful and amazing moments when u were in your hometown for Hari Raya, having mom's cook, and the rest of Raya food, satay, nasi dagang, kuzi, nasi wok, yati ayam percik (hehe only kelantanese je yg tau ni), etc etc.
Hmm..after listing most of my favourite food then only i realized kenapa body ku mcm tong drum. isk memang kena diet balik.
Nways, i am so so lazy lazy to write. i'll post the pics ranging from Day 1 till Day 4. includes upacara pembahagian duit raya plus papa's bday. Happy birthday papa 5 Oct 08. no worries, you're only 55 :) Those are the pics taken from my camera, i still dont have time to compile from other sources.
selamat hari raya again and maaf zahir batin .
Happy Raya!!! I love your new banner!!!
pic no 6, k.ilah duk sblah bloved cuzzy whahahha.. xboley blaah..
nieja:beloved cuzzy demo x kenal kak et hok mano so.kureng la,badan saja besar..hahahahha
gracie : thanks gracie :)
nieja: ing sepupu kesayangan demo la tu...x rajin senyum kokre
et : tu la bengong deh...doh la mase puritttt
sedak molek duk ngato ko bloved kazen..haha..
mmg doh, muko x rajin snyum.. kalo comey xpo..whahah..
aik bkpo dio xknal ko k.et?
gong molek..ahak..
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